
Slash commands... the bot has an abundance.


/addrole adds a role to the desired target.

/botnick changes the bot nickname.

/createchannel creates a blank template channel.

/createrole creates a blank template role.

/create-thread creates a thread linked to the one you're in as an admin.

/deletechannel deletes an existing channel.

/disablecommands is literally a game changer. It changes the permissions of @everyone to not be able to use slash commands except for built-in ones.

/edit edits an existing bot message.

/enablecommands cancels /disablecommands

/embed sends a custom embed message. Only available to mods to prevent spam.

/say is also exclusive to mods to prevent spam. It sends a message thru the bot.

/slowmode sets the channel slowmode to a custom value.

/purge requires mod to run to prevent members from pranking admins. It deletes a set of messages in the channel, up to 100.

/poll sends a suggestive message to any channel.

/rename renames a member.

/event Starts an event.


/cptest checks how fast you can reply to a message!

/chat-achievement makes a fake minecraft achievement in chat.

/liquid How much is your friend made of?!

/google searches for the first image appearing in response to your search term.

/video searches for videos on Youtube!

/faketweet sends a JIMP in the channel you're in.

/catload when will the cat ever load?

/report reports a user for inappropriate actions.

/survey gives your thoughts on the server.

Good to know: Commands are sometimes broken and unfinished, but we want to further develop their use. So, we invented the {pre}debug{com} system! Put debug between the prefix and the action, for example Jhelp becomes Jdebughelp Jserver becomes Jdebugserver... and an unfinished, secret command will pop up.

Last updated