The 'fun' commands for Juicebar are shown here! Jokes, memes, and overall
Run Jafk to set afk status and Jwake to remove
Run J8ball {question} to ask a question! Don't break the bot down...
Run Jwasted for a funny gif!
Run Jslap {user} to slap another user!
Run Jjoke to well... tell a joke
Run Jmeme to post a random meme from reddit!
Run a message with trigger in it and see what happens!
Run Jmatch to challenge someone to a duel!
Run Jsudo to imitate a channel member!
Run Jjail to view yourself in a jail cell...
Run Jwanted to be put on a wanted poster.
Run Jencrypt {message} to encode a message, and Jdecrypt {key} to decode the string!
Good to know: Economy commands used to be part of fun commands. Then, after a heated in-server debate about whether economies were different, the economy became a separate though small category altogether.
Last updated