Money-related commands!
The bot has a built-in cash system! Here are the commands:
Run Jcreatebank to create an account! You get starting cash
Run Jbal to check your cash!
Run Jgamble {money} to gamble a certain amount of money.
Run Jgive {money} to give cash to someone.
Run Jrob {user} to attempt a heist on another server member. Totally works every time...
Run Jsearch to find money!
Run Jpoints to view your scoring for the point system, one point per message.
Run Jleaderboard to view everyone's scoring!
Good to know: This was contributed by the current head dev of the server, Tech Hangout Technician. He's a pro at making discord bots reach out to other softwares. and the economy system recording was made using a google sheets. there's a hidden command to view it.
Last updated